Posts Tagged ‘egg donation information’

Egg Donation How

August 28, 2009
Understand all the dymanics of egg donation.  Know how egg donation works as third party reproduction.  Egg donation how!
Egg donation is an advanced type of fertility treatment involving an egg donor assisting a person looking for donor eggs by donating their eggs as a gesture to help an infertile person or person who has a need for different gene material.
Prior to starting any egg donation programs, egg donors are throoughly screened and recipients of donor eggs are also carefully assessed to confirm that they are able to receive a pregnancy.  Alternatively they may requrie egg donation surrogacy.
Egg donors and egg donation recipients cycles are aligned to be at the same place.  This is a relatively simple process involving the contraceptive pill.
The egg donation treatment actually starts when the egg donor begins her menstruation.  she starts taking egg donation medication from this day to stimulate egg development.  From this day, the recipient also starts taking medication to prepare her uterus for pregnancy.
Egg donation how – during the egg donation treatment, the egg donor comes in for 2 or 3 scans over a two week period confirming how well the egg donor is responding to medication and how many eggs she is likely to produce.  The egg donation recipient also has a final scan on day 10 (or no later than day 12) to confirm her body is ready to receive the embryos and have an optimal chance of burrying themselves in the lining.
On the day of egg retrieval – the egg donor is put under anaesthetic to alleviate the discomfort of the  egg retrieval diectly from the ovaries.  This is not an operation, so no cutting and scarring involved.
The donor eggs are fertilised with the recipient’s sperm and the embryos grown in a special incubator and monitored for five days.  At the end of egg retrieval, the egg donation process is over for the egg donor and she has no further responsibilities.
12 days after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is done to see if the egg donation process was successful.
baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is a reputabe egg donor agency specialising in professional egg donor services and faciliating egg donation programs and understanding every thing there is to know about egg donations, egg donation how and all egg donation facts.

Egg Donation Requirements Egg Donation IVF Egg Donation Procedure Egg Donation in South Africa Femal Egg Donation Egg Donation Program Egg Donation Programs Female Egg Donation Egg Donation Treatment Egg Donation Website

Egg Donation Information

August 19, 2009

Every thing you need to know about egg donation. All the egg donation information required for both egg donors and recipients of donor eggs. Egg donation is an advanced process of third party reproduction whereby egg donors assist infertile people – egg donation recipients to conceive. An egg donation program is required because the recipient either has no eggs, has poor quality eggs, genetic disposition discouraes gene reproduction, onset of menopause, premature ovarian failure (POF), fragile X carrier, recipient is gay or other reasons. As with every thing in life – having the facts, knowing all the egg donation information empowers people to understand and assist in a productive fashion. There is less or no room for judgement and only for understanding and empathy for those who need assistance and gratitude, appreciation and blessings for those who graciously avail themselves as egg donors. Egg donation treatment is safe done with a professional who is skilled and experienced in the field of third party reproduction. Egg donors are thoroughly psychologically and medically screened and offered extensive counselling about all the egg donation facts. During the egg donation program, they are carefully monitored. Egg donation is a way for people to help others create families. It is done in a safe and professional environment if undertaken with a reputable establishment. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is a worldclass egg donor agency offering professional egg donor services. Partnered with the best fertility clinic in South Africa – both egg donation recipients and egg donors have access to all egg donation information required. Adding further value to the process is proceeding with an egg donation agency who can effectively and professionally confirm any egg donation information required. Egg Donation Experience South African Egg Donation Egg Donation Website Egg Donation Agency Find Out About Egg Donation Egg Donation Guidelines baby2mom Egg Donation Donors in South Africa Egg Donation Costs Donor Egg IVF