Posts Tagged ‘egg donor’

Egg Donation Options

May 22, 2010

When you need egg donor treatment to become pregnant, decisions have to be made in respect of which egg donation agency, how to select an egg donor, what to consider and the ideal location. These aspects are vital considerations for egg donation options.

Starting with the selection of the egg donor agency, the correct selection will effectively guide all following egg donation options. Select an agency who is experienced and reputable. Ask questions and find out how many egg donor programs have been facilitated, whether the fertility treatment can happen at preferred clinics, whether they assist with recommended clinics, what happens in the event of the egg donor no longer being available, the number of confirmed and available egg donors, the extent of the egg donation database. Obtaining this type of information will better equip egg donation recipients with sound information about the reputation of the egg donor agency.

The costs of the egg donation should be managed as best as possible making the process affordable for people who need treatment and want to conceive through donor eggs. These are made up of the egg donation agency, donation to the egg donor and fertility clinic costs. South African egg donation is a very affordable process. The egg donation donor is a fixed amount which is not a financial discouragement, egg donation agency fees are reasonable and whilst offering the best fertility treatment worldwide, South African fertility clinics are sought after and offer value and optimal preganncy success rates.

These aspects make South African egg donation an ideal location for treatment. Availability of egg donors, affordability of the egg donation program, effective management and facilitation of the process, optimal success rates, feasability of the egg donation program in terms of the legislation as well as all egg donation facts and information required.

Helping people with choices about prospectful donors makes infertile people feel more comfortable. If people can access an extensive database of hundreds of egg donors and have the option to view traits, profiles and characteristics that are most suited for recipients gives them a chance to almost find themselves. It is also part of the learning process of knowing yourself.

baby2mom Egg Donation Agency – offers sound egg donation advice and egg donation options. Extensive experience and sound back-up plans are in force to support people looking for donor eggs as a means to conceive.

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Human Egg Donation

March 16, 2010

Egg donation initiative and the effort of egg donors to participate in an egg donor program requires intelligence, committment and motivation. A human egg is a special and precious gift with the ultimate objective of facilitating the creation of a human baby – though an egg donation program. As the program involves some of the most complex matters of human existence, the process is ideally facilitated by an egg donation agency. Their role is to ensure the reserved egg donor avails herself on the egg donation program to be in a position to donate this human egg. An egg donation involves an egg donor being screened to confirm her adequate hormone levels. After the egg donor’s cycle has been synchronised to that of her egg donation recipient, both parties start taking hormones. The egg donor, to stimulate egg development and the egg donation recipient to prepare her uetrine lining for pregnancy. Egg donation in South Africa is anonymous and confidential. The egg donor donation is set at a marginal amount to aid recipients of donor eggs and to rencourage the recruitement of egg donors for ethical reasons. Egg donation is not about a financial motivation for egg donors. A human egg is exactly that – a generous gift of an egg, an egg donation. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Agency – is a renown egg donation agency, a state of the art egg donation agency offering egg donation services to asist people who need a human egg. Access to detailed egg donor profiles with pictures of egg donors and their egg donation details is available to recipients of donor eggs. What is Involved in Egg Donation Treatment Egg Donation Locations Donor Egg Rates Known Sperm Donor Established Egg Donation Egg Donor Agency Egg Donation Definition Egg Donation Facilities Egg Donors Jhb Egg Donor Agencies

Egg Donation Bank

September 6, 2009

The role and responsibility of an egg donor agency is significant. It is crucial that egg donors avail themselves for the full course of treatment to optimise the egg donation program and ensure highest chances of egg donation success. An egg donation bank or donor egg agency has a database of carefully screened egg donors who can be matched to egg donation recipients or people looking for donor eggs.

South African egg donation programs are offered worldwide and to local South Africans wanting an egg donation pregnancy. All efforts and facilitative directions are made to optimise the egg donation treatment. Egg donors come in for frequent scans to monitor the required medication and scans are undertaken to get an idea of the number of follicles and estimated maturity date of the donor eggs.

A reputable egg donation bank will be monitoring progress of the egg donation program for egg donation recipients and guiding the egg donors throughout the egg donation process. This requires constant input and dedication. The egg donation clinic needs to be available for questions and direction for all parties throughout the process.

baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – has facilitated hundreds of egg donation programs and recipients of donor eggs have had the process managed as optimally as possible. Egg donation success records are optimal as baby2mom has partnered with the best egg donation clinic in South Africa – who provides best care and treatment for people needing egg donation. The egg donation bank assesses the needs and requirements of all parties involved to offer a respectful, reputable and professional offering to all people involved.

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Donation of Eggs

August 29, 2009

Egg donation is incrasingly becoming the answer for infertile people to conceive. This type of third party reproduction involves a healthy screened egg donor’s donation of eggs to some one else. The process of donation of eggs in South Africa is confidential and anonymous. Whilst egg donors may provide consent for their pictures to be disclosed and profiled information, names and contact details are only known to the egg donor agency and fertility clinic. Egg donors are psychologically and medically screened to ensure that they understand the process and have an optimal chance of enabling a recipient of donor eggs to achieve an egg donaotion pregnancy. Egg donors are also offered extensive counselling and egg donation support and make an informed and mature decision. They are offered a small donation – as the egg donation remuneration. Once the donor eggs have been retrieved and donated to the egg donation recipient, their responsibility is complete. The donation of eggs for recipients is a different mindset. They too are offerered counselling and egg donation support. Whilest every effort is made by the egg donation agency to adequately match up the egg donor to the recipient of donor eggs, she need to understand that it is not her gene material and the egg donation baby will not have her genetic make-up. Once an infertile woman understands this concept completely, she is ready to proceed. For many woman arriving at this point is after a long and traumatic road and there is often a desperate need to conceive and become pregnant. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – – offers egg donation online and is a reputable egg donor agency, coupled with the best egg donor clinc in South Africa. All efforts are made to ensure affordable egg donation (cheap egg donation) is possible for people needing egg donors. baby2mom is obsessed with quality and service and all egg donation recipients are offered the optimal chance of egg donation success with this egg donation program. The donation of eggs is an emotional and sensitive topic ane experienced and professional people will be faciliating the process of ensuring there are available egg donors, access to egg donor profiles, reviewing of medical records and in general worldclass egg donor services at one of the best egg donor websites. Egg Donor Application Form Egg Donation Company Donor Eggs About Egg Donation Egg Donation South Africa Egg Donation Laws Egg Donation Websites Egg Donor Wanted Egg Donor Risks Egg Donor Registry

Egg Donation How

August 28, 2009
Understand all the dymanics of egg donation.  Know how egg donation works as third party reproduction.  Egg donation how!
Egg donation is an advanced type of fertility treatment involving an egg donor assisting a person looking for donor eggs by donating their eggs as a gesture to help an infertile person or person who has a need for different gene material.
Prior to starting any egg donation programs, egg donors are throoughly screened and recipients of donor eggs are also carefully assessed to confirm that they are able to receive a pregnancy.  Alternatively they may requrie egg donation surrogacy.
Egg donors and egg donation recipients cycles are aligned to be at the same place.  This is a relatively simple process involving the contraceptive pill.
The egg donation treatment actually starts when the egg donor begins her menstruation.  she starts taking egg donation medication from this day to stimulate egg development.  From this day, the recipient also starts taking medication to prepare her uterus for pregnancy.
Egg donation how – during the egg donation treatment, the egg donor comes in for 2 or 3 scans over a two week period confirming how well the egg donor is responding to medication and how many eggs she is likely to produce.  The egg donation recipient also has a final scan on day 10 (or no later than day 12) to confirm her body is ready to receive the embryos and have an optimal chance of burrying themselves in the lining.
On the day of egg retrieval – the egg donor is put under anaesthetic to alleviate the discomfort of the  egg retrieval diectly from the ovaries.  This is not an operation, so no cutting and scarring involved.
The donor eggs are fertilised with the recipient’s sperm and the embryos grown in a special incubator and monitored for five days.  At the end of egg retrieval, the egg donation process is over for the egg donor and she has no further responsibilities.
12 days after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is done to see if the egg donation process was successful.
baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is a reputabe egg donor agency specialising in professional egg donor services and faciliating egg donation programs and understanding every thing there is to know about egg donations, egg donation how and all egg donation facts.

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Egg Donation Definition

August 26, 2009

What does egg donation mean? Participating in egg donation – egg donation recipients (of donor eggs) and egg donors need to know as they can about egg donation. For starters – the egg donation definition. Enclosed some sources of an egg donation definition: Egg donation is the process by which a woman provides one or more eggs (or ova or ocytes) for purposes of assisted reproduction or biomedical research. The process of taking eggs from an egg donor, fertilising these donor eggs with the male partner’s sperm in the laboratory dish and transferring the resulting embryo. A form of collaborative reproduction – sometimes compared to sperm donation, but an egg donation process involved more comittment and time for the egg donor and more physical involvment. A process in which a woman may donate eggs through in vitro fertilization to another woman. When an egg donor provides her donor eggs to help an infertile woman. The egg donor’s ovaries are stimulated by drugs to produce extra eggs, which are retrieved during the egg donation process. The act of donating eggs to someone else for use in attempting pregnancy through in vitro fertilization to persons who need donor eggs to conceive. When a female donates her egg(s) for another female to use via IVF because she either lacks eggs, has poor quality eggs, is genetically predisposed to a problematic pregnancy or unhealthy child. For women who lack good quality eggs, have premature ovarian failure or don�™t want to risk passing on a known genetic disease. The process takes eggs, usually from a younger woman – in fertile years, fertilizes them with the male�™s sperm and places them into the patient�™s uterine lining As women age their ovaries ability to produce good quality eggs (ovarian reserve) begins to diminish. Using donated eggs enables woman experiencing difficulties the chance to become pregnant and carry an egg donation pregnancy to have a baby through egg donation. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme, a reputable and worldclass egg donor agency, assisting people worldwide to conceive through South African egg donation via – comments on the egg donation definition as follows: The number of eggs donated can be any thing from zero to almost 30. All egg donors respond differently to the egg donation treatment. baby2mom only facilitates egg donation for the puposes of baby creation. Egg donation is not for any research. Donor eggs may actually be fertilised by donor sperm as well – depending on the fertility of the male involved or if there is even a male involved in the egg donation baby. Egg donation recipients are offered counselling to ensure that they understand the process of receiving donor eggs – not their gene material. In an effort to explain and facilitate an improved understanding of the egg donation process and program, an egg donation definition as described above gives some elaboration on what exactly an egg donation program entails. Donation Egg Egg Donation IVF Egg Donation Company Find Out About Egg Donation POF Egg Donor Risks Eggg Donation Egg Donor Registry Egg Donations Egg Donor Wanted What does egg donation mean? Participating in egg donation – egg donation recipients (of donor eggs) and egg donors need to know as they can about egg donation. For starters – the egg donation definition. Enclosed some sources of an egg donation definition: Egg donation is the process by which a woman provides one or more eggs (or ova or ocytes) for purposes of assisted reproduction or biomedical research. The process of taking eggs from an egg donor, fertilising these donor eggs with the male partner’s sperm in the laboratory dish and transferring the resulting embryo. A form of collaborative reproduction – sometimes compared to sperm donation, but an egg donation process involved more comittment and time for the egg donor and more physical involvment. A process in which a woman may donate eggs through in vitro fertilization to another woman. When an egg donor provides her donor eggs to help an infertile woman. The egg donor’s ovaries are stimulated by drugs to produce extra eggs, which are retrieved during the egg donation process. The act of donating eggs to someone else for use in attempting pregnancy through in vitro fertilization to persons who need donor eggs to conceive. When a female donates her egg(s) for another female to use via IVF because she either lacks eggs, has poor quality eggs, is genetically predisposed to a problematic pregnancy or unhealthy child. For women who lack good quality eggs, have premature ovarian failure or don�™t want to risk passing on a known genetic disease. The process takes eggs, usually from a younger woman – in fertile years, fertilizes them with the male�™s sperm and places them into the patient�™s uterine lining As women age their ovaries ability to produce good quality eggs (ovarian reserve) begins to diminish. Using donated eggs enables woman experiencing difficulties the chance to become pregnant and carry an egg donation pregnancy to have a baby through egg donation. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme, a reputable and worldclass egg donor agency, assisting people worldwide to conceive through South African egg donation via – comments on the egg donation definition as follows: The number of eggs donated can be any thing from zero to almost 30. All egg donors respond differently to the egg donation treatment. baby2mom only facilitates egg donation for the puposes of baby creation. Egg donation is not for any research. Donor eggs may actually be fertilised by donor sperm as well – depending on the fertility of the male involved or if there is even a male involved in the egg donation baby. Egg donation recipients are offered counselling to ensure that they understand the process of receiving donor eggs – not their gene material. In an effort to explain and facilitate an improved understanding of the egg donation process and program, an egg donation definition as described above gives some elaboration on what exactly an egg donation program entails. Donation Egg Egg Donation IVF Egg Donation Company Find Out About Egg Donation POF Egg Donor Risks Eggg Donation Egg Donor Registry Egg Donations Egg Donor Wanted

Egg Donation Donor

August 21, 2009

Results of a recent egg donation success are so heart warming – they warrant public awareness of how special egg donation is. The egg donation donor makes such a remarkable difference. It was 12 days post the embryo transfer and the couple were anxiously awaiting their preganncy results. As with all people enduring egg donation fertility treatment, feelings are all over and apprehension and nerves are the order of the day. There is so much hope and fear that fills the day of the pregnancy test. Hope for egg donation success – that the process of finding the perfect egg donor, of spending the money of egg donation costs, of travelling to the best fertility clinic and finding a reputable egg donor agency – have all yielded fruit. Then we never like to think of the fear it is always the hope and dream of the egg donation baby. Fantastic the result has been successful and the egg donation recipient cannot contain themselves. They have resorted to staring at the picture and cannot but think and talk of any thing else except their new miracle – they are having a baby – a miracle egg donation pregnancy. At the time of hearing the news, the egg donation donor is advised of the news. She was emailed – so typical of today. Well – running an online egg donation agency – – email is the order of most communications and enables egg donation recipients from New Zealand, Australia and America to find South African egg donors. The special South African egg donor took at least an hour to undertsand the impact she has just directly has on a stranger’s life. She was so overwelmed and overjoyed – had pure and real tears of elation. The beauty of this experience is the reality of what egg donation is all about. An egg donation donor does such a special deed – not for the egg donor remuneration, but to make a dream and be part of a miracle. Egg donation is really a miracle! Genuine thanks and blessings to all those who think of becoming egg donors to create families for infertile people. Egg Donation Issues Egg Donors Egg Donation Company Donation Egg Donor Egg Donations Egg Donation Website Egg Donor Wanted Egg Donation Agency New Egg Donor Egg Donor Profiles

Egg Donation Information

August 19, 2009

Every thing you need to know about egg donation. All the egg donation information required for both egg donors and recipients of donor eggs. Egg donation is an advanced process of third party reproduction whereby egg donors assist infertile people – egg donation recipients to conceive. An egg donation program is required because the recipient either has no eggs, has poor quality eggs, genetic disposition discouraes gene reproduction, onset of menopause, premature ovarian failure (POF), fragile X carrier, recipient is gay or other reasons. As with every thing in life – having the facts, knowing all the egg donation information empowers people to understand and assist in a productive fashion. There is less or no room for judgement and only for understanding and empathy for those who need assistance and gratitude, appreciation and blessings for those who graciously avail themselves as egg donors. Egg donation treatment is safe done with a professional who is skilled and experienced in the field of third party reproduction. Egg donors are thoroughly psychologically and medically screened and offered extensive counselling about all the egg donation facts. During the egg donation program, they are carefully monitored. Egg donation is a way for people to help others create families. It is done in a safe and professional environment if undertaken with a reputable establishment. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is a worldclass egg donor agency offering professional egg donor services. Partnered with the best fertility clinic in South Africa – both egg donation recipients and egg donors have access to all egg donation information required. Adding further value to the process is proceeding with an egg donation agency who can effectively and professionally confirm any egg donation information required. Egg Donation Experience South African Egg Donation Egg Donation Website Egg Donation Agency Find Out About Egg Donation Egg Donation Guidelines baby2mom Egg Donation Donors in South Africa Egg Donation Costs Donor Egg IVF

Egg Donor Wanted

August 18, 2009

Egg donation is quite a controversial and emotional topic. People are either intrigued and empathetic or become upset by the notion of an egg donation program. As more people are becoming aware of the egg donation facts they are learning to understand. A specific issue is adverts, saying egg donor wanted or become an egg donor. South African egg donation adverts discourage advertising to people for freat money. ‘Egg donor wanted’ is typically an advert to help infertile couples. Big amounts and extravagent promises of thousands as egg donor remuneration are not included. Egg donors give of themselves because they want to help. They understand the distress of needing an egg donor. South Africans are beautiful people and want to help. South African egg donors are not motivated by monetary means. These and the notions of cheap egg donation or affordable egg donation make South Africa an atractive and viable option as a destination for egg donation treatment. Worldclass fertility treatment as well as professional egg donor services ensuring that egg donors are correctly informed about their donation and are invited to donate more out of ultruistic reasons. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is one of the top egg donation websites dedicated to assisting people conceive. So, whether you can respond to the egg donation adverts of egg donor wanted or how can I find an egg donor – baby2mom is your best best to assist. Egg Donation Guidelines Female Egg Donation Donors in South Africa Egg Donation Requirements South African Egg Donation Egg Donation Autralia Review of baby2momcoza Egg Donation South Africa Egg Donation Experience Couples Looking for Egg Donation baby2mom Egg Donation

Egg Donation Requirements

August 16, 2009

Assessing whether you qualify for egg donation or determining egg donation requirements. Usually after a length struggle to conceive, people hoping to have a baby visit a gynaecologist. After understanding that the their process requires more advanced fertility intervention, they may be referred to a fertility specialist – who will advise upon egg donation requirements..

Egg donation is required if a woman fails to have menstrual cycles – this can mean that she is in early premature menopause, or full blown menopause or premature ovarian failure. A woman may be having cycles or anovulatory cycles or even ovulating but with very poor quality. Some genetic predispositions may also force a woman to turn to egg donation to conceive. These circumstances can occur for logical reasons or even for significantly unknown reasons.

A qualified fertility specialist may also advise a woman that her best chances of conceiving are by emarking on an egg donor program – to assist her to conceive. Often woman prefer to try several IVF cycles without making the final decision of egg donation. People using an egg donation treatment have to acknowledge that the egg donation baby will not have their genes.

Other obvious egg donation requirements include gay male couples who naturally need an egg donor to conceive.

baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme assist people to conceive without prejudice and is partnered with the best fertility clinic in South Africa to offer substantial egg donation support and counselling to guide people through this emotional process and to aid the best output and ultimately egg donation success.  If uncertain whether you qualify for egg donation requirements, contact a reputable egg donor agency.

Egg Donation An Egg Donation Egg Donation South Africa Egg Donation Issues A Egg Donation South African Egg Donation Egg Donation Questions Egg Donor Agency Egg Donation Services Donors in South Africa