Posts Tagged ‘egg donation south africa’

Paid to Donate Eggs

January 9, 2010

Paid to Donate Eggs 1/5/2010 Egg donation – a growing trend and an increasing demand. Coupled with this topic of egg donor programs is the debate around being paid to donate eggs. South African egg donation is anonymous and confidential. A standard amount has been determined for the donation payable to egg donors to participate in the egg donation process. This amount is paid to donate eggs to woman who avail themselves as egg donors. It is a very reasonable amount and really only to offset costs incurred by egg donors getting to the clinic and time off work. Thus the emphasis of egg donation rather than the concept of selling eggs. Also egg donation in South Africa is very affordable keeping the costs of egg donation economical for every one. South African egg donation is an attraction worldwide for quality fertility services including surrogacy and sperm donation too. Specialist egg donation services who offer the latest technology and optimal opportunities for incureasing egg donation pregnancies as well as specialist partnered bodies contribute to South Africa being an ideal location for egg donation. These specialists include psychologists, lawyers and egg donation clinics. South African woman are paid to donate eggs, but more to compensate their inconveniences. The most beautiful and intelligent egg donors in the world are found in South Africa. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy – is an egg donation company offering online egg donation solutions and facilitating surrogacy programs worldwide. With extensive experience in hundreds of egg donation programs, baby2mom is a reputable egg donation agency. Looking for Egg Donor Egg Donation Screening Egg Donor Recipient Donor Egg Egg Donor South Africa Couples Looking for Egg Donation Donor Egg Clinic Egg Donation Cost POF Local Egg Donation Paid to Donate Eggs 1/5/2010 Egg donation – a growing trend and an increasing demand. Coupled with this topic of egg donor programs is the debate around being paid to donate eggs. South African egg donation is anonymous and confidential. A standard amount has been determined for the donation payable to egg donors to participate in the egg donation process. This amount is paid to donate eggs to woman who avail themselves as egg donors. It is a very reasonable amount and really only to offset costs incurred by egg donors getting to the clinic and time off work. Thus the emphasis of egg donation rather than the concept of selling eggs. Also egg donation in South Africa is very affordable keeping the costs of egg donation economical for every one. South African egg donation is an attraction worldwide for quality fertility services including surrogacy and sperm donation too. Specialist egg donation services who offer the latest technology and optimal opportunities for incureasing egg donation pregnancies as well as specialist partnered bodies contribute to South Africa being an ideal location for egg donation. These specialists include psychologists, lawyers and egg donation clinics. South African woman are paid to donate eggs, but more to compensate their inconveniences. The most beautiful and intelligent egg donors in the world are found in South Africa. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy – is an egg donation company offering online egg donation solutions and facilitating surrogacy programs worldwide. With extensive experience in hundreds of egg donation programs, baby2mom is a reputable egg donation agency. Looking for Egg Donor Egg Donation Screening Egg Donor Recipient Donor Egg Egg Donor South Africa Couples Looking for Egg Donation Donor Egg Clinic Egg Donation Cost POF Local Egg Donation

IVF Donor Eggs

October 5, 2009
South Africa is an ideal destination for receiving donor eggs.  Several advantages exist to South African egg donation.  IVF donor eggs is a special and delicate process and deserves a cautious approach.
South African egg donation is anonymous and confidential.  The absence of any egg donor registry gives egg donation recipients full confidentiality and privacy about the type of conception.  Only the egg donation agency and egg donor clinic will be privy to the fact that egg donor X donated to egg donation recipient Y.  This is an important consideration in an egg donation program.  As much as the South African egg donor does not want to be contacted in 18 years time by an unknown being carrying her genetic material, a person receiving donor eggs may not want to disclose this highly confidential information to any one.
IVF donor eggs means that the egg donor has been carefully screened and counselled and has the best chance of enabling an egg donation pregnancy.  Egg donors’ hormone levels are checked and scrutinised by medical professionals.  No chances are taken and if there is a slight indication that hormones are not suitable, the egg donor is not considered part of the egg donor program.
Affordable egg donation or cheap egg donation – South African egg donation encourages egg donors to a fixed marginal donation.  The actual costs of fertility treatment are also very affordable.  The combination of a set egg donation remuneration and cost effective fertility treatment results in the cost of egg donation carefully managed and being affordable for ordinary people.  Egg donation is affordable in South Africa!
South African egg donation means a range of available egg donors.  Depending on the exact egg donation agency – baby2mom has several medically and psychologically screened egg donors available for immediate egg donation solutions.  IVF donor eggs can happen immediately.  Extensive egg donor profiles are made available and egg donation treatment can start immediately appropriate actions are taken to reserve the preferred egg donor.  baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – offers egg donation experience and egg donor program expertise of having facilitated hundreds of egg donation programs.

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Sperm Donor Insemination

October 4, 2009

Various options and alternatives exist to enable virtually any one to have a baby through third party reproduction. Sperm donor insemination is an option to inseminate a recipient or a traditional surrogate. But very often it is more than pure treatment, but a process of people reaching out to one another and so the universe in return offering a blessing. If a woman is purely in need of sperm because her partner has a low or absent count or poor sperm morphology, then sperm donor insemination can assist her to become pregnant. Recently a woman advised she will oblige herself as an egg donor because her husband is infertile. She said that she can make a difference in some one else’s life as they cannot have children and did not have access to funds required for adoption processes. Understanding the various considerations involved in third party reproduction, I advised that with the egg donor donation she would receive as an egg donor, she would be able to hav the sperm donor insemination to enable her to become pregnant. This is such a wonderful situation where a woman helps a stranger and in turn another stranger helps her. Another situation that crossed my path like this is where a woman – also due to her husband’s infertility – was considered for adoption. She wanted to help some one else, so again considered egg donation. It is such a beautiful situation as the egg donor got her baby and the egg donation recipient also achieved egg donation success – thanks to her blessed South African egg donor. These cases are nothing short of miraculous and enable us to consider the world at large and consider the beauty and glory of people and how we can assist each other and so be assisted and blessed – through egg donation, sperm donor insemination, surrogacy, adoption and just being aware of the needs of others. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is an international egg donation agency offering South African egg donation and South African surrogacy programmes as well as a range of available sperm donors for sperm donor insemination.

South African egg donor agency

August 23, 2009

Egg donation has been in existence since it was first practically undertaken in 1984. Egg donation south africa was first undertaken in 1986. Finding a reputable South African egg donor agency is not a difficult task with baby2mom. The challenges of people facing infertility has seen a growing need for egg donors and so egg donor agencies have developed. It is imperative to proceed with a reputable south african egg donor agency who has built up a good and professional rapour with egg donation recipients as well as egg donors. Factors determining the quality egg donor service provided by the egg donation agency include: Number of egg donation programs facilited With which fertility clinic is the egg donation agency partnered Access to egg donor profiles Availability of psychologically and medically screened egg donors Affordable egg donation/ cheap egg donation Turnaround time and professional service offered in respect of the egg donor service When payment is required for the egg donation treatment Provision of sufficient information pertaining to egg donors baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme has been in existence since June 2007, partnered with the best fertility clinic in South Africa – ensuring both recipients of donor eggs and egg donors have nothing short of the best egg donor treatment. Egg donors are offered counselling, access to specialists 24/7 and worldclass egg donor treatment. Egg donation receipients get the best egg donation treatment worldwide affordably – cheap egg donation – but neve compromising on quality. Immediate access to egg donor profiles is available, as well as immediate egg donors available. A well established and reputable South African egg donor agency exists as – unquestionably offering superior egg donor services. Clinic Egg Donors Egg Donation Laws Egg Donors Jhb Donor Egg A Egg Donor Egg Donation Experience Eggdonation Pregnancy After Menopause Egg Donation Agency Egg Donation Facts

Egg Donation Donor

August 21, 2009

Results of a recent egg donation success are so heart warming – they warrant public awareness of how special egg donation is. The egg donation donor makes such a remarkable difference. It was 12 days post the embryo transfer and the couple were anxiously awaiting their preganncy results. As with all people enduring egg donation fertility treatment, feelings are all over and apprehension and nerves are the order of the day. There is so much hope and fear that fills the day of the pregnancy test. Hope for egg donation success – that the process of finding the perfect egg donor, of spending the money of egg donation costs, of travelling to the best fertility clinic and finding a reputable egg donor agency – have all yielded fruit. Then we never like to think of the fear it is always the hope and dream of the egg donation baby. Fantastic the result has been successful and the egg donation recipient cannot contain themselves. They have resorted to staring at the picture and cannot but think and talk of any thing else except their new miracle – they are having a baby – a miracle egg donation pregnancy. At the time of hearing the news, the egg donation donor is advised of the news. She was emailed – so typical of today. Well – running an online egg donation agency – – email is the order of most communications and enables egg donation recipients from New Zealand, Australia and America to find South African egg donors. The special South African egg donor took at least an hour to undertsand the impact she has just directly has on a stranger’s life. She was so overwelmed and overjoyed – had pure and real tears of elation. The beauty of this experience is the reality of what egg donation is all about. An egg donation donor does such a special deed – not for the egg donor remuneration, but to make a dream and be part of a miracle. Egg donation is really a miracle! Genuine thanks and blessings to all those who think of becoming egg donors to create families for infertile people. Egg Donation Issues Egg Donors Egg Donation Company Donation Egg Donor Egg Donations Egg Donation Website Egg Donor Wanted Egg Donation Agency New Egg Donor Egg Donor Profiles

Egg Donor Wanted

August 18, 2009

Egg donation is quite a controversial and emotional topic. People are either intrigued and empathetic or become upset by the notion of an egg donation program. As more people are becoming aware of the egg donation facts they are learning to understand. A specific issue is adverts, saying egg donor wanted or become an egg donor. South African egg donation adverts discourage advertising to people for freat money. ‘Egg donor wanted’ is typically an advert to help infertile couples. Big amounts and extravagent promises of thousands as egg donor remuneration are not included. Egg donors give of themselves because they want to help. They understand the distress of needing an egg donor. South Africans are beautiful people and want to help. South African egg donors are not motivated by monetary means. These and the notions of cheap egg donation or affordable egg donation make South Africa an atractive and viable option as a destination for egg donation treatment. Worldclass fertility treatment as well as professional egg donor services ensuring that egg donors are correctly informed about their donation and are invited to donate more out of ultruistic reasons. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is one of the top egg donation websites dedicated to assisting people conceive. So, whether you can respond to the egg donation adverts of egg donor wanted or how can I find an egg donor – baby2mom is your best best to assist. Egg Donation Guidelines Female Egg Donation Donors in South Africa Egg Donation Requirements South African Egg Donation Egg Donation Autralia Review of baby2momcoza Egg Donation South Africa Egg Donation Experience Couples Looking for Egg Donation baby2mom Egg Donation

Egg Donation Issues

August 10, 2009

Egg donation is such a controversial topic and each person has a different feeling and perspective in the egg donation program. Considering the approach from people in the thick of it, proceed to understand some egg donation issues.

Whilst many people have alot of feelings and comments on the topic, including questions and comments or Is it right?
It’s against nature?
You just weren’ meant to have children
There are so many children out there without families – why not adopt?
It’s not right
It’s not normal
Gay people should not be parents
Single people should not be parents
Any many more feelings…
The bottom line is can we really judge and cast comment on some one else’s situation. Do you understand their feelings. Understand the dynamics and aspects of the just some of the egg donation issues.

Do you know what it feels like to have a desperate need to want a child? Then when confronted with the fact that egg donation is the only way – it is first a process to come to terms with this. For some people it is a whole process and cycle. Substantial soul searching and examination is required to be at peace.
Then once understanding how egg donation works – you actually realise it is a blessing. It is an answer and a solution.
Coming to terms with egg donation is still part of the initial stages.
Further steps include selecting the egg donation agency, confirming the egg donor and understanding her profile. But actually the most difficult part of the egg donation program is the actual fertility treatment. It is nothing less than a nerve wrecking process – the entire process – for egg donation recipients that is.

Just a little on these steps:
Matching and aligning cycles – this is quite easy, greatest emotion is mostly excitement.
The egg donor starts her period, so it means fertility treatment is actually underway at this stage. Now the excitement really begins because you know that this is the start of your baby’s development – the egg development is underway, which means your baby is starting to grow and develope. Any one involved in egg donation or fertility treatment knows you are a part of it right from the very beginning.
Now come some nail biting stages – hearing how the egg donor is responding to the egg donation treatment – have follicles developed? Does it look like the ovaries are responding. We normally want at least 4 viable eggs. Having said this – it does only take 1 – 1 donor egg can become your baby…
So, we have passed the stage of hearing the potential number of follicles – which will give an indication to the number of eggs – hopefully each follicle contains an egg. Sometimes egg donation recipients can even be pleasantly surprised by getting more donor eggs than anticipated.
Then day 1, day 2 and day 3 following egg retrieval – a desperate call is made to find out how the tiny special embryos are developing. After each call, there is a distinctive emotion – be it relief, excitement or hopefully not – despair. And because it is life – the situation can change from one day to the next.
Day 4 – the embryos are left and the incubator not opened, so usually final news is provided on day 5. News is given to see that the embryos have developed and hatching happened – ready for embryo transfer. In some circumstances, it is encouraged to wait another day for the embryo transfer to give the embryo a little more time to develope – after all embryos like people are all different and react and develope at different stages.
The embryo transfer always brings some anticipation. You want to know that the process has gone well, that the transfer was easy.
Finally – the agonising 2 week wait – waiting to hear if you are pregnant. This is the absolute worst part. Nothing can be done to encourage or discourage emrbyo implantation. Egg donation recipients – please do not review, analyse, assess and google every symptom or lack thereof.
So, these are just some of the highly emotionally charged processes involved in the early egg donation program and some of the egg donation issues – to actually get to the point of +++ BFP.

In a nutshell – lots of love, well wishes, best wishes and support are offered to all persons receiving donor eggs. Egg donation is a complex aspect involving third party reproduction and optimised when facilitated by a professional and experienced egg donor agency who can direct egg donation recipients to a reputable and worldclass fertility clinic. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is one of the best egg donor websites and partnered with the best fertlility clinic in South Africa to ensure all egg donation issues are understood.

Egg Donor Service

August 2, 2009
Egg donation ivf enables people to have a baby when every thing points against this notion.  Furthermore, finding a reputable egg donor agency – affordable egg donation and cheap egg donation is what is important.  baby2mom – is a wordclass egg donor service offering people who need donor eggs professional egg donation service and fertility treatment with the best egg fertility clinic South Africa.
Being advised that you are infertile or need donor eggs to conceive is big news, likely the biggest news of a lifetime.  Egg donation recipients need to understand the egg donation process and understand they may conceive but the genetics will not be theirs.
The selected egg donor service can advise and guide that effective matching up of egg donors to recipients of donor eggs will ensure that the child conceived of egg donation will fit into the family.  People who are desperate for children and wanting to have a baby will know and feel that what is important is to have a new being in their lives.  Egg donation is the answer and solution for infertility and emotional pain.
baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme is one of the best egg donation websites in the world, offering a worldclass egg donor service to humanity, taking full cognisance of affordable egg donation or cheap egg donation, ensuring recipients have the very best chance by also having treatment at the best fertility clinic South Africa.

Egg Donation Premature Menopause Couples Looking for Egg Donation Egg Donation FAQ Egg Donation Agency Egg Donor Bank An Egg Donation How To Become An Egg Donor Egg Donation Johannesburg Egg Donation Procedures

Egg Donation Support

July 31, 2009
Proceeding with egg donation IVF is an emotional process for both recipients of donor eggs and egg donors.  Thorough counselling is required for both parties to improve egg donation success and optimise the egg donation process in the form of egg donation support.
baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is an egg donation agency faciliating egg donation programs to recipients from all over the world with the assistance of egg donors South Africa.  Prior to embarking on the egg donation process, extensive egg donation support is provided.
The egg donation process is explained at length to egg donors in South Africa before and during the egg donation treatment.  They have access to egg donation suppport throughout and can call at any time.  Examples include egg donors who have had unprotected intercourse whilst on the treatment and concerned that they may have conceived.
For recipients of donor eggs, they are counselled in detail as well to ensure that they understand the process and ready to receive a donor egg pregancy.
These processes are vital and part and parcel of egg donation in South Africa.  We care about people and are dedicated to assisting people become pregnant.  Egg donation support is just one of the many benefits of proceeding with the baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme.

What is Involved in Egg Donation Treatment Egg Donor Agency How Much Does Egg Donation Cost Egg Donation Gauteng Couples Looking for Egg Donation Premature Menopause Egg Donation Services POF Egg Donor Application Form Egg Donor Websites

baby2mom’s Egg Donation South Africa

July 27, 2009
Egg donation in South Africa invites people from all over the world to come enjoy affordable egg donation and cheap egg donation.  baby2mom’s egg donation South Africa is a reputable egg donation agency offering a range of available egg donors with access to egg donor profiles.
Egg donors South Africa get involved in egg donation to assist fellow humanity to get pregnant.  Egg donors understand the pain people experience when they pine for children.  These egg donors are motivated primarily to help people and not financial concerns.
Where else can you have cheap egg donation with a reputable egg donation agency and worldclass fertility clinic – egg donor clinic.  baby2mom’s egg donation South Africa is partnered with the best fertility clinic South Africa – the very top fertility clinic South Africa.
Astonishing egg donation success rates – because recipients of donor eggs have only the best egg donation ivf treatment because of the world class egg donation services and extent of thorough screening of egg donors South Africa.  This is what is offered by baby2mom’s Egg Donation South Africa.

Egg Donation Websites Egg Donation UK Third Party Reproduction Egg Donation Agencies Egg Donation South Africa Eegg Donation How To Become An Egg Donor Egg Donation Guidelines Egg Donation Agency South Africa Egg Donation Autralia