Posts Tagged ‘egg donation issues’

Egg Donation Issues

August 10, 2009

Egg donation is such a controversial topic and each person has a different feeling and perspective in the egg donation program. Considering the approach from people in the thick of it, proceed to understand some egg donation issues.

Whilst many people have alot of feelings and comments on the topic, including questions and comments or Is it right?
It’s against nature?
You just weren’ meant to have children
There are so many children out there without families – why not adopt?
It’s not right
It’s not normal
Gay people should not be parents
Single people should not be parents
Any many more feelings…
The bottom line is can we really judge and cast comment on some one else’s situation. Do you understand their feelings. Understand the dynamics and aspects of the just some of the egg donation issues.

Do you know what it feels like to have a desperate need to want a child? Then when confronted with the fact that egg donation is the only way – it is first a process to come to terms with this. For some people it is a whole process and cycle. Substantial soul searching and examination is required to be at peace.
Then once understanding how egg donation works – you actually realise it is a blessing. It is an answer and a solution.
Coming to terms with egg donation is still part of the initial stages.
Further steps include selecting the egg donation agency, confirming the egg donor and understanding her profile. But actually the most difficult part of the egg donation program is the actual fertility treatment. It is nothing less than a nerve wrecking process – the entire process – for egg donation recipients that is.

Just a little on these steps:
Matching and aligning cycles – this is quite easy, greatest emotion is mostly excitement.
The egg donor starts her period, so it means fertility treatment is actually underway at this stage. Now the excitement really begins because you know that this is the start of your baby’s development – the egg development is underway, which means your baby is starting to grow and develope. Any one involved in egg donation or fertility treatment knows you are a part of it right from the very beginning.
Now come some nail biting stages – hearing how the egg donor is responding to the egg donation treatment – have follicles developed? Does it look like the ovaries are responding. We normally want at least 4 viable eggs. Having said this – it does only take 1 – 1 donor egg can become your baby…
So, we have passed the stage of hearing the potential number of follicles – which will give an indication to the number of eggs – hopefully each follicle contains an egg. Sometimes egg donation recipients can even be pleasantly surprised by getting more donor eggs than anticipated.
Then day 1, day 2 and day 3 following egg retrieval – a desperate call is made to find out how the tiny special embryos are developing. After each call, there is a distinctive emotion – be it relief, excitement or hopefully not – despair. And because it is life – the situation can change from one day to the next.
Day 4 – the embryos are left and the incubator not opened, so usually final news is provided on day 5. News is given to see that the embryos have developed and hatching happened – ready for embryo transfer. In some circumstances, it is encouraged to wait another day for the embryo transfer to give the embryo a little more time to develope – after all embryos like people are all different and react and develope at different stages.
The embryo transfer always brings some anticipation. You want to know that the process has gone well, that the transfer was easy.
Finally – the agonising 2 week wait – waiting to hear if you are pregnant. This is the absolute worst part. Nothing can be done to encourage or discourage emrbyo implantation. Egg donation recipients – please do not review, analyse, assess and google every symptom or lack thereof.
So, these are just some of the highly emotionally charged processes involved in the early egg donation program and some of the egg donation issues – to actually get to the point of +++ BFP.

In a nutshell – lots of love, well wishes, best wishes and support are offered to all persons receiving donor eggs. Egg donation is a complex aspect involving third party reproduction and optimised when facilitated by a professional and experienced egg donor agency who can direct egg donation recipients to a reputable and worldclass fertility clinic. baby2mom Egg Donation and Surrogacy Programme – is one of the best egg donor websites and partnered with the best fertlility clinic in South Africa to ensure all egg donation issues are understood.